Q – I have a large number of Outlook emails whom I want to convert them into PDF format. Can anyone please suggest me an effective way to convert Outlook emails into PDF format? Please share any solution or suggestion here.

Aldo Brett

You can manually convert Outlook emails into PDF format in an easy and simplified way. You will not face any issues in following the steps.

Martha Talon

If you want to convert Outlook emails into PDF format. You can go to Adobe Acrobat Pro. It will help you to save your emails from MS Outlook into PDF format.


Can you please explain the procedure to convert Outlook emails to PDF using Adobe Acrobat? I haven’t used the method.


Sure. Please go through the steps given below –

  • Open Outlook in your system
  • Select the email you want to save as PDF
  • Right click on the mail and click Print
  • In the Print Windows, choose Save As PDF document
Maleah Zaid

You can simply use PDF Add-in and convert the selected Outlook emails into PDF format without facing any issues.

Penny Juelz

Hi, I have tried the manual methods but they are capable to export only single email into PDF format which consumes a lot of time. Can you please suggest any other methods that can help me to perform the task quickly?

Kairi Felipe

If you have a large number of emails, you can try third-party tools for conversion of Outlook emails into PDF format. These applications will consider helpful for you without taking much time of yours.

Marc Bobby

I have never tried any third-party application. Can you please suggest me an effective third-party tool to complete the task?

Huxley Tori

Try PST to PDF Converter third-party application that can help you to export multiple Outlook emails to PDF in a single time. The software takes only a few minutes to perform the conversion. The whole conversion is done without any technical help and with 100% accuracy. A free version is also provided for the users to test the application.